My friend Nadine and I did a makeup swap a couple weeks ago. We set an amount to spend for the swap. We got each other our fave makeup, while keeping in mind what would work for the other. She got me stuff from South Korea; she's obsessed with korean makeup and skin care!
I've tried some of it, but not enough to give full on reviews, but I will give my opinion on the one I have. If you've tried these items or heard good things about them, let me know :).
Here's what she got me!
Nadine gave a little intro note and notes on all the products. She's so sweet!
I haven't tried this stain on my lips yet! It swatches beautifully. I loooove the colour, during the summer time, I actually wear a lot or orange and coral lip colours. Unfortunately, it snowed here already and I feel like it's not the right season to wear it :(.
I suck at liquid liner and Nadine knows this hahaha! According to her, this one is easier to manage. I've only tried it once. I wasn't good at it :P, but it was really black and it didn't burn my eyes (liquid liners in the past have burned my lids). I'm excited to play with this some more!
I was sooooo excited when I saw this! It's a perfect colour for fall and winter. On top of that, I had never tried a stain before. It's a super nice shade. One coat looks super natural. I have very pigmented lips naturally, so it looks like my lips but better. Two coats is a little truer to what's in the packaging. The texture is really nice, it's like a gel. Bonus: it took a whiiile to dry up my lips. Can you guys tell I love this already?!
This looks so pretty! I tried it once and it looks super nice! It didn't have as much fall out as I was expecting, which was a nice surprise. I actually like the weird consistency Nadine described. I think it makes it almost easier to apply than normal pigments.
I've actually been using this a lot. I think I really like it! When I first spray it on, it itches a bit. It doesn't do that with my Urban Decay All Nighter spray. BUT, it disappears pretty quickly. It adds a bit of dewiness, not too much. It's a really nice finish! And it makes my makeup last a bit longer!
I've only tried this once, for not too too long, so I can't say how well it makes my makeup lasts. What I can say is, it did smooth my face very nicely. It smells like eucalyptus pretty strongly at first. It fades pretty quickly. I personally don't mind the smell :).
Hopefully, I didn't forget anything haha! I'm so excited to use these products some more. I really trusts Nadine's tastes and opinions, so I'm sure everything will become a favorite!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
Sab Sab :) xoxo